Abstract and poster submission requirements
Dear Colleagues!

We are starting the work on preparation of the Scientific Agenda. From March 13 to April 24, 2023 the abstracts will be accepted in your
personal area on the Forum official page. Materials sent by e-mail shall not be allowed. It is proposed to use the enclosed abstract format.

The abstracts submitted in non-compliance with the form and later than April 24 will not be accepted.

According to the results of the event, it is planned to issue a collection with the materials of the Forum, and some of them will be presented as reports at break-out sessions, the list of which is enclosed. I wish you all a successful work on abstracts!

Best regards,President of the Association of Otorhinolaryngologists of Kazakhstan, M.D., Professor, Tulebayev Rais Kazhkenovich
Topics for Abstracts
    • A new level of otosurgery: from the simple to the complex - adapted surgery approaches
    • Management of Modern Implantation: Possibilities of a New Generation of Bone Implants and the Outcomes of 15 Years of Cochlear Implants (Satellite Symposium) - Cochlear Implants and Additional Developmental Disorders: What Worked? What could be done better?Vibrant Sound-bridge: in patients with ear atresia, audiological outcomes, and surgical difficulties
    • Modern approaches in otology. Hearing loss. Rehabilitation: is there a future
    • Pediatric pharyngeal surgery: how to avoid mistakes in diagnosis and treatment
    • New approach to adenotonsillar pathology. Tips and tricks of endoscopy in pediatric practice
    • Urgent care issues in pediatric practice: challenges and opportunitie
    • Recurrent rhinosinusitis and Complications: flow scenarios and solutions Multidisciplinary management of Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis
    • New in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Integration with neurosurgery.
    • Post-COVID era: fungal and other forms of sinusiti
    • Important aspects of laryngeal microsurgery: transition from the old school to the future
    • Laryngeal and tracheal stenoses: where are we going?
    • The possibilities of injectable rehabilitation: preserving the most valuable
    • Pushing the boundaries: the possibilities of iatrogenic voice loss recovery
    • Treatment of complex vocal cord lesions (furrows, scars, cysts, fibrous bands): conservative or surgical intervention
    • Professional voice: prolonging longevity and professional selection. The latest updates in voice assessment and management
    • Complicated nose: using a rhinoplasty perspective and psychology assessment system
    • Asian nose: the subtle nuance of thick skin
    • Complicated rhinoplast
    • Diagnosis of hearing loss at an early stage
    • Hearing loss is common in neurology and otorhinolaryngology
The abstracts will be accepted until April 24, 2023
The number of abstracts that an author or a group of authors may submit is not limited.
All authors, who have submitted the papers for consideration by the Scientific Committee, shall undergo the online registration procedures on the web-site in the
Personal Area
Abstract Execution
  • The materials shall be submitted in soft copies, in Microsoft Word format
  • The orientation is portrait
  • Font - Times New Roman
  • Font size depends on the abstract section (see the template)
  • Face is normal; bold or italic, only where indicated in the template
  • Margins on the right and left — 1.5 cm, bottom and top — 2.0 cm.
  • Disable hyphenation
  • The abstracts may contain only one table and only one graphic element (a picture or a graph)
  • The number of characters is STRICTLY at least 2,000 and not more than 3,000 characters without spaces. *The characters include the abstract name, the abstract body, tables and figures
  • Links to other research papers shall not be allowed
  • There shall be on page numbering
  • Should several abstracts be submitted, they shall be divided into different documents. One abstract per one file
The abstracts will not be edited, therefore, please, be responsible for editing the final version (typing errors, punctuation, etc.). Before sending materials, please, carefully read the rules for execution and the template.
Session theme
Main head
Abstract name
Abstract body
Introduction/goal of research
Materials and methods
Tables/figures/graphs (if available)
Acknowledgements/funding sources
Recommended Structure
ATTENTION! The abstracts that do not comply with the requirements will not be reviewed. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to edit the text of abstracts without distorting the meaning of the paper.
Poster Requirements
Posters shall be accepted from registered users through the Personal Account
Posters shall be designed according to the Template. Please note that the poster report submission means that the material is ready to be in-person presented at the Forum site. Poster reports will not be edited, so please be responsible for editing the final version (check for misprints, punctuation, etc.).

Poster reports that inconsistent with the Template will not be considered.

The Scientific Committee will review your request and provide you with notification on the inclusion of the poster report in the Poster Session program.
Oral Presentation within the "Poster Session":
  • The Poster shall be electronically demonstrated on the monitor
  • The Poster sections require to include: authors, title, purpose, material and methods, results, conclusions
  • During the poster session, a commission will evaluate the reports
  • Report time is 5 minutes
Posters are accepted until April 24, 2023
secretary of forum
Toguzbayeva Dinara Yerkenovna
+ 7 700 770 05 77
Оfficial technical organizer